Sunday, July 31, 2011

book is real

the proof arrived.
now we can get on the road again. wonder if this ol buick will start.

Friday, July 22, 2011


That's File Transfer Protocol. Sending the book over the airwaves to a printer in southern California right now. It's like Magic!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


That's what they call it, like your printing project is an airplane, and you need to check it all out, over and under, before you press SEND. We got the color proofs back, the ones that had the correct CMYK settings, and they look great. Can't wait—but of course I'll have to—for the books to arrive!

Max Khan has been really helpful in getting this thing in.


It's always something, one more word. The exact opposite of painting, where it's work for awhile, and then it's DONE. Sometimes there's a bit of back and forth about how far is too far in terms of working a painting, but it's not a big deal.

But a book, the thing is never done, it just gets to the day of PRESS and then you're done. Until the next printing, at least.

I like it this kind of work, but too much of it would be deadly. It's too closed in, boxed in by words, paper, screen. Sanity depends in part upon working with your hands. Like painting or cooking or music or digging or washing and cleaning. My favorites because of the instant feedback.

I can't wait to see the finished book.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I dreamed that I had the printed book in my hands last night. I liked it. A milestone passed. Wonder what's next.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The book page

The book's home page

To Press

First proof file I sent was of no value, because I did not convert the files to CMYK before sending. So we're waiting for the final proof on color. Then to press.

About the title. Subject to verification means that I promise to get back to everyone about my experiences in the afterlife after I die. If I'm wrong, that is. If you don't hear anything, it's just as I said.