Tuesday, April 10, 2012


is now the name of a video series (how often this is called a youtube series) I'm working on. me, talking and painting. here's the intro boilerplateI just finished. now onto editing some conversations.

this is what it feels like.

Friday, February 24, 2012

One Side (Or The Other)

As far as my new show script is coming, I've been horribly stuck for awhile now. Not sure which direction I should take. I usually have pretty sharp feelings about things; generally speaking I will "see" what direction to take, or more accurately, "see" the final result. I'll see myself on stage, performing in a certain way. Seeing that particularity will help me figure out which way to go. But that kind of data had been lacking for awhile, leaving me at sea.

I started painting again recently, really getting into it, piling up the canvases, getting all stocked up. Got to get my work up on some walls and in other people's homes this year. Need some sales.

But then, after painting for a week, I realized that the painting itself was helping to access that other realm from which I hoped and expected to get some Answers. So there. Pretty cool.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Changing, not grinding, Gears

Changing gears, as is our perfect wont and habitual method. To more performances, short video pieces. That should complement each other... The idea of writing, shooting, and editing a whole movie is just crazy to me now, after doing the same for a brief scene. The time line is the main thing that brings me up short: it can take years before your efforts are seen. I don't seem to have that kind of time. I need results now! That's what we are all about here in the modern world, I've read. Guilty then. But my sporadic-seeming efforts do pile up into a recognizable (at least to me!) body of something-or-other. More to come soon. Here's a screenshot of the intro to the next series of as-yet-untitled vids that will tell the story of Death Herself.